How to ensure the quality and stability of polyester chips (PET) raw materials during the production process of Polyester DTY?

During the production process of Polyester DTY, how to ensure the quality and stability of polyester chip (PET) raw materials to improve the performance of the final product?
During the production of Polyester DTY, ensuring the quality and stability of polyester chip (PET) raw materials is critical to improving the performance of the final product. The following are several key measures to ensure the quality and stability of PET raw materials:
Raw material procurement and management:
Choose a reputable supplier to ensure that the quality of PET slices meets production requirements.
Conduct regular evaluations of suppliers to ensure the stability of raw material supply.
Establish a strict raw material warehousing inspection system and conduct quality inspections on each batch of PET slices to ensure that they meet production standards.
Storage condition control:
Ensure that PET slices are stored away from moisture, high temperatures and direct sunlight to prevent them from getting damp, oxidized or degraded.
Implement a first-in, first-out inventory management system to ensure the freshness of raw materials.
Regularly inspect and maintain the storage environment to ensure it meets storage requirements.
Production process control:
Optimize the melting process of polyester chips to ensure the stability of melting temperature, time, pressure and other parameters to avoid degradation of the chips during the melting process.
Precisely control the spinning speed and temperature to fully stretch and orient the PET slices during the spinning process, thereby improving the structural stability of the fiber.
Strengthen the monitoring of the drafting and false twisting processes to ensure that the fiber's bulk, elasticity and resilience are optimal.
Quality monitoring and feedback:
Multiple quality control points are set up during the production process, and PET slices and intermediate products are regularly inspected to ensure that product quality meets requirements.
Establish a complete quality feedback mechanism to trace and analyze unqualified products, find out the causes of problems and take corresponding improvement measures.
Regularly conduct statistical analysis of production data to evaluate the impact of PET slice raw materials on product quality so that production processes and raw material formulas can be adjusted in a timely manner.
Technological innovation and R&D:
Pay attention to technological innovation and R&D trends in the industry, introduce advanced production technology and equipment, and improve the utilization rate of PET slice raw materials and product quality.
Cooperate with scientific research institutions and universities to carry out performance improvement of PET slice raw materials and research and development of new materials to provide more high-quality raw material options for the production of Polyester DTY.
Through the comprehensive application of the above measures, the quality and stability of PET slice raw materials during the production of Polyester DTY can be effectively ensured, thereby improving the performance and market competitiveness of the final product.

Polyester DTY Light Pink/Red/White/Purple/Yellow ZR0161-ZR0313 758